We are all entrepreneurs
2021第十三届湖南公共安全产品与技术博览会 -中国警察网:2021-4-11 · 开展时间:2021-04-18 结束时间:2021-04-20 展会地点:湖南长沙红星国际会展中心 主办单位 湖南省公安厅后勤装备部科技处 展会介绍 同期举办:城市报警监控应用技术研讨暨成果展 湖南智能家居展、湖南安防行业诚信伋业 ...

HAX offers venture funding and a hands-on program to help startups enabled by hardware move at lightning speed. They help early stage companies through their development and scaling phases in Shenzhen and San Francisco.
Companies that are admitted to the program will spend four to eight months in Shenzhen co-developing technology, followed by two to three months in San Francisco. HAX help companies on business development, fundraising, and growth. The program is purposely kept flexible to account for the range of technological complexity different teams have.
Discover all the projects that are currently being developed in the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab
For over 100 centuries, cities have been epicenters of human civilization, continually shaping and reshaping culture and commerce. Never has this been more true than today. Cities around the globe are bristling with innovation as they seek to address longstanding urban challenges while leading the charge to meet emerging challenges like climate change and significant population growth.
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According to the World Health Organization, 75 million of people need a wheelchairs in the world. But...
齐鲁晚报:2021-3-31 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准伍及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ...
13 ProjectsSee all projects旋风网络加速
The world has a shortage of organs suitable for human transplantation. In the US alone, as of March...
The day-to-day way in which we live, work and play is a reflection of who we are as individuals and as social beings living in a unique time and place. It is often forged by a quest for both pleasure and self-expression. But how can we ensure the lifestyles we lead today bring us a sense of satisfaction, well-being and belonging while ensuring a pleasurable and abundant life for future generations?
5 布丁网络加速介绍See all projectsLatest projects
Our daily usage of connected objects, smartphones and other watches requires more and more energy,...
The FabLab theme is devoted to understanding and supporting the Maker/Fab/Hacker movement. Our goal is to create the physical and digital spaces to explore this social movement, and to enable ourselves and others to innovate through design and manufacturing. Together, we believe we can move closer to an economy that is at once successful, meaningful, and sustainable.
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Designers, engineers and manufacturers can play a critical role in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic....
How do innovations come to life? Where does inspiration come from? Can the process be digitized? How are mobile technology, social media, sensor data and the Internet changing the ideation process? Are there new technologies that can facilitate brainstorming, better separate the wheat from the chaff, and more rapidly bring winning ideas to life? These are the questions at the heart of this theme.
3 ProjectsSee all projects网友网络加速超速器
The Museum of Innovation
深商全球大会聚焦伋业转型升级,腾讯云助力产业互联:2021-1-17 · 60+解决方案,腾讯云加速构建智慧产业新生态 “通过腾讯云的服务能力,腾讯在产业互联网的布局已经开展”,腾讯云总裁邱跃鹏介绍,目前腾讯云在医疗、零售、教育、工业、金融伍及地产等领域中形成了超过60+解决方案,助力伋业数字化、智能化转型。

Transform society for the better, together
With the launch of the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab from Dassault Systèmes, you don't have to imagine. The 3DEXPERIENCE Lab shapes a new framework of open innovation that merges collective intelligence with a cross-collaborative approach to foster entrepreneurship as well as to strengthen society´s future of creation.

According to the World Health Organization, 75 million of people need a wheelchairs in the world. But the common wheelchair is an obsolete technology. Many situations, both professional and personal, call for an adapted system:

Each musician aims to cultivate his art in order to be unique. Its aesthetic sound constitutes its identity.Is the answer to customize an instrument for each artist ? Can an instrument’s design influence its sound identity ?And can we industrialize custom-made instruments to make them accessible to every musician?

Marine energies are emerging, being a credible alternative to electricity generation from carbon sources.

In the US, 1 child in 68 is born with the Autism Spectrum Disorders. Children with Autism have learning and developmental disorders, and represent a number higher than all others disabilities put together. In the US alone, over 6.4% children have special needs in terms of cognitive, motor and sensory processing skills.

Have you been in a situation where a generic treatment did not work very well for you or someone you know? Have you ever had that nagging feeling that maybe the doctor (as good as he or she may be) should really be treating YOU rather than a generalized representation of you?

Urbanisation, Digital Transformation, Climate Change are the key challenges now. On Transportation and Mobility, the current paradigm is : one size fits for all. At XYT, we do not sell cars, we deliver tailored mobility solutions for our clients’ business operations, to maximize value creation in a better future.

In 2017, the market of professional drones is projected to increase to 3,7 billion of euros (Gartner source). Services associated to drones grow up and the autonomy of the machines is optimized. From design offices to operating departments, what are the appropriate devices for collecting data?

With studies estimating the annual number of deaths due to medical errors in the hundreds of thousands, the time has come to revise the way the medical profession gains knowledge and experience. Advances in 3D printing technology and virtual simulation are creating new opportunities to improve the quality of treatments and patient safety.
With the launch of the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab from Dassault Systèmes, you don't have to imagine. The 3DEXPERIENCE Lab shapes a new framework of open innovation that merges collective intelligence with a cross-collaborative approach to foster entrepreneurship as well as to strengthen society´s future of creation.
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